Hello everyone! Just a quick update for my new FACEBOOK page. Since I have a lot and lot of friends there I decided to start a new NAIL STORY page. It'll be easier for me to follow different nail lovers there. So please check out my new page on FACEBOOK coz the old one will be deleted tomorrow. Hope to see U there.
And as I promised I am back with my naked nails. Those are was took in a different time. Also my nails do have a yellow-ish undertone but I actually don't even care about it. Because simply, I don't wear naked nails in real life :)

When I stayed at my mom's place I found such a nice product called Nail Growing Stimulator by Frenchi and it really helps me with nail growing! My nails getting long very fast!

And before I back home I cut my nails shorter; at last May.

Also I have just a few points of nail care to follow:
1. Always wear a coat of nail polish >_<
2. Always refresh nail edges each manicure by foiling them >_<
3. Always make ur cuticle and under nail area moisturized >_<

I am so excited today, my hubby just bought to me Sumsung Galaxy SII phone and I can take a pictures with it :D So here it is YAY! BTW, this is not my design, I just copied Love4Nails tutorial I LOVE her nails a lot! She is such a talant and gave a ton of inspiration!

Here is a nails of my sister Lena. Just a simple leopard print design with a rhinestones :D This pic also was took with my new phone :D
Thats it for now! Have a great week!