I LOVE Angry Birds, don't ya? :) They are all very adorable! My whole family so into Angry Birds game apps now. There is quite a few versions for this game and we have them all LOL~ My fave one is RIO Angry Birds, almost done with those stages >_<
And my today's mani is totally inspired by Angry Birds. For the main images I used [N.NAIL water decals] which I've got from[ KKCENTERHK]. It's a bit expensive tho, $6.0 for this water decal sheet. It comes in individual packaging. And there is much more images than on usual water decals. Quality of them is very nice, it's not spread by contact with top coat polish at all! And simply they are kindda unique! Cause I didn't saw such decals yet :)
The ANGRY BIRDS close up...
My son loves the Christmas version LOL~ It's really cute tho!
Weak but sun light LOL...My nails finally started get longer and it makes me so happy :)
The only reason I wated to play with these images I watched 2 movies at ones which are "Wrong Turn 4" and "Sky Line" and they both made me feel so bad and negligible. And I wanted something cheerful to stop thinking about those movies.

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