HeLLo my lovelies! Today is the night before Christmas and I'm so excited! Because this is still my the most favourite holiday since childhood! Everyone is trying to do something special for their dear ones and this makes me so happy. Because at this time people forgive all evil and think only of good! A lot of positive energy flying in the air, I almost can feel it! And I wish the whole world to be so good and happy and kind every weekday!
I spent a lot of time today with my friends. They came over to visit me because I was so upset lately, some stupid internet things to which I probably should not pay any attention at all but I'm just a human and I have feelings. So my friends brought a huge Christmas cake to me and gave me a lot of support and a ton of positive energy and I'm so thankfull for that! And tomorrow my husband is going to surprise and take us to the Christmas eve show (LOL~ Yeah, I'm already know but I'm not gonna ruin his plans) so we gonna have a lot of fun time with our family :)
And I wish to all of U be happy and virtuous! Have a great great great time with people U love! And share some positive and happyness with people who need it!

I've played with Christmas make-up look a few days ago and came up with this look. Not sure if I'll re-do it for the Holiday but I still kindda like the combination of baby pink and blue, very frosty combo, at least for me :)