It's time for Day 24 of the nail challenge and Inspired by A BOOK nails. I was a little confused because my all time favourite book is "Memoirs of a geisha" and I honestly have tried to do a nail design inspired by that book but it came out not as I thought it will be.
But I remembered another wonderful book I just loved when I was a child, it's russian book called "12 months". Winter story, very good story with happy end of course :) So, the main idea of this book is the girl needed snowdrop flowers at winter time. And I decided to make that picture on the nails.
***This picture was found through Google search***
I made the SNOWDROPS on my sister's nails and she like them a lot :D Those are white dried flowers, of course not a real snowdrops but imitation. For the main background pattern was used a few shades of blue and white nail polishes with a piece of sponge.

Both hands on direct sunlight. Very snowy kindda effect but with flowers :) Exactly what I wanted :)

Thats it for my inspiration by a book. Next on the list is inspired by a fashion nail design, hmmm, will see ;)