HeLLo everyone! For the last month I collected quite a few nail polish swatches which I want to share with all of U. Some of them awesome and some of them pretty bad.
PERIPERA nail polish in LUXURY RED #P029. 2 coats on and no top coat. Very rich red color with a gold-orangy shine to it. I love this nail color a lot, it makes my skin tone much whiter :)

The Face Shop Face & it Platinum collection nail polish in GL111. 2 coats on and no top coat. The consistency of the polish is a bit think and it's hard to apply on the nails. Also it dries quite fast. But looks so glam on the hands, I like it too :)
The Face Shop Hologram nail polish in RD301. Yes, right, it is hologram, not holographic, I don't know what the difference is, may be hologram is less sparkles, really don't know. But this is very nice and wearable color even by it's own. 2 layers on and no top coat.
The Face Shop Face & it collection nail polish in BL 601. 2 coats on without top coat. Very sheer consistency. Makes my hand looks like dead LOL~ It's getting cooler and cooler here in South Korea and this isn't a good color to wear, brrrr....

Direct sunlight...
Prorance cracking nail polish in Yellow. I bought a lot of cracking colors by Prorance and I really wanted Yellow and Green colors. But I don't like much how this cracks. Kindda accidents strips even when apply a thick coat of crackle polish. It has a matte finish as most of such nail polihes and I used a top coat to make it look shine.
Prorance cracking nail polish in Pink. Another one which cracks bad. At least for me it's not good crackle option. With a top coat on.
Tony Moly cracking nail polish in White. oh my...! I completely wanted to get a white one and I bought it. WTF! I bought it from Tony Moly and it doesn't cracks at all! Look at this shit! At first I thought I didn't shaked it good and I shaked it very-very-very well and I swatched it and it still works like this! It cracks a little bit and immidately fall off. Don't buy anything from Tony Moly people! I got quite a few items from them and those are don't worth ur money!
Aritaum nail polish in Tropical Guava. 2 coats on and no top coat. Creme finish. It reminds me of seaweed or such. Not cute color at all to wear on it's own. I am glad I bought a mini version of this nail polish LOL~
And last color for today is Etude House nail polish in Extreem Pink. 2 coats on without top coat. It looks so beautiful at different angles and lights. It is so nice nail color and I like it for lots of glitters to it :)
I think thats it!
What is ur favourite nail polish for now?