I thought about this theme for a long time now and didn't had any suitable idea for Inspired by A SONG day. But recently I watched some Michael Jackson music video on You Tube and found that I could take an inspiration from "They Don't Care About Us" song, cause I found that the drums or whatever they called looks very nice and colorful LOL~
I took a piece of sponge and applied yellow, green and red creme nail polishes at one time and applied it as one general pattern, made 2 coats with a sponge and added some musical note water decals on yellow part of the design. Sealed everything with clear top coat and done :) Simple but the color combination is so bright and totally visible from far away. I got a lot of compliments today from strangers :)
My nails finally getting longer and it made me so happy :) When I trimmed my nails I enjoyed it only one day and the next day I started growing them back LOL~ And now I can see a result!

Today I went out to The Face Shop store to get their yellow nail polish cause I finished mine yesterday and I bought a few more polishes, my new babes for my lovely nail polish family :) All of them from Lovely Me:ex collection, yet all of them has a creme finish and amazing pay off!
Thats it! Thanx for stopping by!