Hello everyone and thanQ for all the best wishes to my baby. This morning he felt much better, he has no fever anymore but still looks kindda very tired. Anyways, for the Day 6 of the nail mani challenge I'm gonna share my violet nails. Meet...
GOSH "Gasoline" nail polish. I'm wearing 2 coats on on this picture. No top coat. A bit sheer texture, I think 3 layers will looks much better. But I do like this nail color!
I was bored of wearing this color and decided to matte-ified it with The Face Shop Matte Top Coat. I also have noticed that this matte top coat has to be applied on very-very thick coat otherwise it will looks streaky as it looks right now. Or may be there is another option - to apply 2 coats of TFS matte top coat.
I found this purple french nail design in my old mani folder. I don't remeber exactly what products I've use but for the nail tips I used The Face Shop nail polish in PP 404 from Face & it collection + some flower nail stickers to hide un-even french nail tips line.

Thats it for my VIOLET nails. Tomorrow I'll be share with a nail design, finally LOL~
Have a great day U all :)
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