I almost forgot to update my blog LOL~ Just got home, me and my sister spent a lot of time on shopping today >_< And the most funny part is she only bought a pair of jeans and me nothing ahahaha~ I was hoping to found something unique but it didn't happened :)
Anyways, for Day 9 and RAINBOW nails I pre-made this colorful design using a ton of different things such as acrylic paint, nail polishes and sponge technique. Didn't had a chance to picture all products I've used coz lately it's totally deficiency of day light. Raining and showering every day, but I like it :))
I started of with a creme white nail polish and made a pastel tone (yellow, pink, green) main background pattern, sealed it with a glittery nail polish and drawn the rainbow in random directions. This nail design takes some time to create but the final result is very bright and colorful.

RAINBOW on both hands :)
I got this Liebster Blog Award from Kay and honestly I don't know what this award/word means (sorry, English is my 3rd language and I don't know it for 100%). But, I want to thank U Kay for always being sweet to me and taking ur time on visitng and commenting on my blog! I very do appreciate it and all ur sweet words to me! thanQ!!
The rules for this award are as follows :
- Copy and paste the award on your blog
- Thank the giver and link them to your blog
- Make your top 5 known and let them know this by one to leave a comment on their blog.
My TOP 5 blogs:
3. Enamel Girl