It was very busy Monday today, whole day I went from one office to another, just such a long day; glad it ends. Many important things was settled and I'm very pleased actually:) Just got home after hearty lunch with my hubby, ready to run to do household chores and take care of my kids LOL~ But before I'm gonna update my blog, coz t's very exciting about daily nail challenge :)
Starting from today I decided to run on the 31 Day Nail Challenge which a lot of other nail bloggers has started but here is mine LOL~ The first day on the challenge states that it should be red nails and I really thought about making a creative nail design for each day and each color but it also says that the first decade shoud be just a color, so instead of that I will share some matching colors from my nail polish collection :)
MISSHA Lucid Nail Polish in RD04. I'm wearing 2 layers on, without top coat. It's such an amazing red color, it has a lot of glitters to it and looks so luxury to me. I love this polish a lot, it recently became on my go-to red nail polish. Very opaque texture, applies and looks awesome even in one coat.
I also like to apply a layer of Catherine Arley #724 on top of Missha color. Coz it adds some more red mico glitters and shiny finish and I just like this red combination a lot. It hard to see all the beautiful glitters on this picture but it looks so pretty and always remind me of red shoes of "Wizard of Oz". This nail color by itself is clear based polish with a ton of micro red glitters to it.
Golden Rose #18. 2 layers on without top coat. Nice red color, reminds me of a ripe tomato. Creme finish. Nothing special about this nail polish but I just wated to try it out, never had a chance to see it on my nails.

Thats it for the 1st day and red nails, another color will be orange :)
What is ur favourite red nail polish?