This few days I'm gonna do a blog posts with nail polish swatches kindda pictures coz I've got a huge container with never used nail polishes and I really want use all the stuff I have LOL~ And here is the first nail polish which I actually used but never mentioned it. For this one I used neon orange (Eclipse in BIKINI ORANGE) as my main background color.
And the same cracking nail polish over the blue (The Face Shop Lovely Me:ex collection in BL602 nail polish) with white polka dot.
It is a China Ming Shang cracking nail polish which I've bought last year. It smells bad and it has the weirdest/the worst brush I've ever used. Most of the cracking nail polishes do separating when it dries and it can be observed but this one is compacting and separating at the same time. And just coz of that on the first picture most of the "moon shape" on my nails is naked/without cracking polish on. When it dries it has a matte finish as most of 'em.

Have U tried this nail polish brand? How do U like them? Which is ur fave cracking nail polish?