Hi guys! Today's article is about how to growing natural nails. I want to share some information about it and a few tips and tricks I like to do. Because I know some of U are curious about how I grow long nails ;) Don't like keep a secrets and gonna devote to all of U :)
To this date, the length of my nails is about 1+++ sm of free edge. I like to shorten my thumb nails tho because they start curling up when they long and it looks definitely ugly! Kindda hate curling nails!
1. First of all is daily hydrating ur cuticles. And now when it's get cooler and cooler I like to moisturize my cuticle area several times a day (as well as I always hydrating under free edge area every time I moisturize my cuticles). Cuticle is a place where the nail begins to grow out and it's very important to always moisturize it that will make ur nails healthy and look neat. I recommend using Almond Oil or Vitamin E to hydrate cuticle.
2. Also there is very great products like hardeners (repairing peeling and weak nails) and strengtheners (repairing from fragile nails). It helps to thicken the nail plate and prevent from breakage. I used both of
them... When apply always try to cover free edge of ur nails it helps to thiken them.

4. I don't buff my nails at all! I know a lot of people do it once a week or so but that makes my nails completely weak and thin and all that stuff. And very gentle buffing stroke can cause irreparable damage to my nails. So, may be it will change Ur opinion and manicure routine as well...
5. Once U have grow out free edge than don't file it! Because basically U will file down the length of new-growth nails. Just refresh the sides of free edges and don't touch the length.
6. And most important thing protecting ur hands! Use rubber gloves when do cleaning, wash dishes and such... Protect ur hands from all kinds of chemicals and apply hand cream every time as U have a chance. Protecting nails is also important! Don't scratch, pick etc., just be careful with nails.
Some people taking vitamins to improve the growth of nails, drink a lot of water, healthy life style. A lot of people just go and get some artificial acrylic/gel nails. But for me always will be the most interesting is to grow LONG natural healthy nails.
The longest length of my nails this year 2011.
Festive Violet

So those are tips and tricks which works nice for me.
What are your best way to help the growth of nails? Lets help out each other!
Thanx for looking and take care of ur nails :)